Blood cell count monitoring appointments are very important
Make sure to keep your appointments and be sure to tell your doctor or nurse if you have signs of low blood cell counts, such as:
- More bleeding or bruising than usual after an injury
- Catching more colds than usual
- Fever
- Feeling short of breath
- Feeling tired

Drink enough fluids
- Tell your doctor if you become dehydrated or experience urinary or kidney problems

Bathroom hygiene is important
Your body removes radioactivity mostly through feces. So, while you are being treated with Xofigo—until at least 1 week after the last injection—you should:
- Wash your hands well every time you go to the bathroom
- Flush the toilet several times after each use
- Make sure that if bodily waste is spilled, it is removed completely and quickly. If bodily waste gets on clothing, wash it right away by itself. Afterward, you should wash your hands very well. Anyone who helps you should wash their hands well, too
- Wear one-use gloves or gowns any time you clean up bodily waste. Dispose of gloves or gowns as directed by your healthcare provider
- Keep your bathroom area clean

Sexual relations during Xofigo therapy
You can have sexual relations while being treated with Xofigo. Because of the possible effect that radiation can have on sperm, you should always use a condom. Also, your female partners should use effective contraception during your treatment and for 6 months after treatment is over.